donderdag 13 september 2012

CKV Art Interview
Subject: Rietje Kleibergen
Kind of art: Painting



1.       How did you start painting? (O)

2.       When you were younger, did you already show any interest in painting?  (C )

3.       Did you also had any other interests? (O)

4.       Have you ever had any kind of art lessons when you were younger ?(our age *15* )   (O)

5.       Did your technique of painting change in the years that you grew up? (O)

6.       What kind of technique do you prefer now a day?(C )

7.       What is your biggest inspiration for your art work?(O)

8.       Do your paintings hold any stories, believes or opinions? (O)

9.       What does the word ART mean to you? (O)

10.   Did you ever had a commission? (C )

11.   (if the answer on question 10 is yes) How many commissions did you have? (C )

12.   What kind of art attracts your attention the most? (C )

13.   Why does that kind of art attract your attention? (O)

14.   Do you have any paintings that you would never dare to sell, or which have a really important meaning to you? (C )

15.   Why won’t you sell it, or what kind of important meaning is that?  (O)

16.   What do you paint mostly? (portraits, landscape, etc.) (C )

17.   Why do you paint that? (O)

18.   Have you ever tried painting something else?(O)

19.   What do you think about when you’re painting? (O)

20.   Name three colours which you use the most in your painting.  (C )

21.   Why those colours?(O)

22.   Do you visit a lot of museums? (C )

23.   What kind of expositions do you visit? (O)

24.   Why those expositions? (O)

25.   Do you know any other artists?  (O)

26.   What do you think about their work?(O)
27. Has painting changed your life? (C)
     28.What do you feel when people appriciate your paintings (O)

     29. What is your painting process like?(O)

     30. Why do you keep painting ( and don't start writing for e.g.)(O)

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